31. How much did it cost to buy? How did you do it? 13,000 rb in 1989 ($1,300 US). We saved money from working in the mining center in the north. 32. How many rooms and how many square feet is it? 6 rooms; 1,500 square feet. 33. Do you own any other property outside of your dwelling? No. Family Education & Well-Being 34. Are your family members literate, and if so, which ones? Yes, we all are. 35. How many hours/day and what months do the children attend school? Describe the school environment. The classroom is unbelievably dark because only a few of the lights work and the ones that do make a loud buzzing. 36. What type of health care do you receive? Health care is free, but we do not use it much as we are healthy. 38. Does your family feel safe? No. 39. Do you lock your door at night? Yes. 40. Have you ever been robbed? Eugeny was murdered. 41. Do you do anything to protect yourselves? We lock our doors. Family Leisure 42. Describe what you do during your leisure time. The girls play games, do homework, and read.